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    Скрипт на Looting
    sub Looting()
    var t,l
    dim LootingItem[38]
    uo.Print('Начинаем Лутать...')
    ### Magic Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[1] = 0x0F7B ## - Blood Moss
    LootingItem[2] = 0x0F8D ## - Spiders Slick
    LootingItem[3] = 0x0F8C ## - Sulfurous Ash
    LootingItem[4] = 0x0F88 ## - NightShade
    LootingItem[5] = 0x0F7A ## - Black Pearls
    LootingItem[6] = 0x0F84 ## - Garlic
    LootingItem[7] = 0x0F86 ## - Mandrake Roots
    LootingItem[8] = 0x0F85 ## - Ginseng
    LootingItem[9] = 0x1F14 ## - Rune
    LootingItem[10] = 0x0F0C ## - Heal
    LootingItem[11] = 0x0F0B ## - Refresh
    ### Armore Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[12] = 0x1412 ## - Platemail Helm
    LootingItem[13] = 0x1411 ## - Platemail Legs
    LootingItem[14] = 0x1410 ## - Platemail Arms
    LootingItem[15] = 0x1414 ## - Platemail Gloves
    LootingItem[16] = 0x1B76 ## - Platemail Heater
    LootingItem[17] = 0x1413 ## - Platemail Gorget
    LootingItem[18] = 0x1406 ## - War Mace
    LootingItem[19] = 0x1404 ## - Far Work
    LootingItem[20] = 0x13B9 ## - Viking Shword
    LootingItem[21] = 0x13B5 ## - Scimitar
    ### Clothes Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[22] = 0x1F03 ## - Robe
    LootingItem[23] = 0x1515 ## - Cloak
    LootingItem[24] = 0x1517 ## - Shirt
    LootingItem[25] = 0x171C ## - Jester Hat
    LootingItem[26] = 0x1539 ## - Long Pants
    LootingItem[27] = 0x152E ## - Short Pants
    ### Shrink Creature Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[28] = 0x2136 ## - Zostrich
    LootingItem[29] = 0x2137 ## - Orn
    ### Others Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[30] = 0x0EED ## - Gold Coins
    LootingItem[31] = 0x0E76 ## - Bag
    LootingItem[32] = 0x0E75 ## - BackPack
    LootingItem[33] = 0x0E21 ## - Clear Bandage
    ### Bows Looting Items ###
    LootingItem[34] = 0x13B1 ## - Bow
    LootingItem[35] = 0x0F4F ## - CrossBow
    LootingItem[36] = 0x13FC ## - Heavy CrossBow
    LootingItem[37] = 0x0F3F ## - Bow Arrow
    LootingItem[38] = 0x1BFB ## - CrossBow Bolt
    uo.Print('Лут Закончен.')
    for l=1 to 38
    if uo.FindCount()>0 and uo.GetDistance("lastcorpse")<=2 then
    uo.Print('Найден предмет: '+str(uo.findcount()))
    end if
    end sub
    Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Shofana (30.11.2008)
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